Plants for your home, garden and office.

Updated: Jun 26, 2022

Plants and accessories to harmonize our most intimate space, home, garden and office.
Home Sweet Home. Nothing like being at home and feeling relaxed, outside the daily hustle and bustle, ready to feel released from the tension.
Plants are living beings capable of strengthening self-esteem and emotional balance, as well as providing us with its exquisite aroma and many other benefits. For these reasons, it is highly recommended to have one of them in our home, garden and office.


This miraculous plant has extensive healing properties, as it provides remarkable results in our health. It is very easy to care for and purifies the air of the space where we place it.

Its main properties are: Cicatrization. Analgesic. Demulcent (protection of the mucous membranes). Hypocholesterolemic. Scrubber. Antiseptic. Laxative.Purgative.

Aloe vera requires full sun exposure and is very resistant to pests, but is very sensitive to excess humidity and cold (less than 50F). The plant warns us if it needs water if it wrinkles the leaves, although in general it is an easy plant to grow that does not need constant care.


One of the main reasons to have a bonsai at home is to relax. Because if we have to choose a crop that provides peace of mind, we will undoubtedly choose to prune, trim and care for the bonsai. It is a precious moment to disconnect from the fast-paced world.

In Japanese culture, bonsai is synonymous with good fortune, spiritual balance, contemplation and relaxation through contact with nature. The tradition of growing trees in a tray was born in China and was later adopted in Japan, from where it spread to the rest of the world.

Bonsai are especially delicate when it comes to the amount of water they receive. To know if it is necessary to water it, you must look at the soil in your tray: if it is dry, it is time to water again, but if it stays wet, you will have to wait a little before the next watering. If you are not sure, insert a wooden stick about 5 centimeters into the ground: if the ground has a dusty appearance, it means that it is dry, but if the stick comes out with wet and dark soil, you should wait a little longer for the next irrigation. Take the risk with care not to stir the soil and with enough water so that all the roots of the tray receive a little. If your bonsai has moss, it is likely that the humidity is more concentrated and therefore, the waterings should be more spaced.

Unlike other species, in bonsai it is very necessary to make an annual fertilizer due to the compression of the roots in the tray to find more nutrients under the ground. The best months to do this are during spring and summer.

Pruning is the most important care of any bonsai, as it marks the path that it will follow during its growth, stimulates its development, strengthens and achieves a dense foliage even in the lowest branches.

Tradition dictates that most of these miniature trees must appear triangular in shape. Your task when adopting one is to keep it in the same pattern as you acquired it, trim the branches that grow in new directions and above all, limit the upward growth of the main branches to favor the smaller ones and encourage larger foliage.

The recommendation of the experts is to use rainwater or purified water with the intention of eliminating chlorine and other chemicals that can alter the composition of the pH of the plant. The quality of the water is one of the fundamental causes if you see that it dries on the tips of the leaves and you do not find any other reason.

To do the pruning, you must make sure that the bonsai is dry and have special scissors for it.

This plant should receive as much natural light as possible during the day, so that it keeps the small leaves alive and the branches grow according to the shape you want them to take after pruning.

Unless you live in a place where winters reach zero degrees, bonsai can be kept outdoors year-round without any problem. The vast majority of bonsai require the conditions and climate outside.


In addition to being a trend in decoration, cactus also benefit your health, as they purify the air and neutralize electromagnetic waves.

Cacti are very grateful, they need almost no watering. With watering every two months or a little more in summer if you see the substrate very dry. But excess water will always be worse - when in doubt, don't water it - so they must have good drainage. It withstands high temperatures very well so cacti are perfect for the summer season, they will not complain about the heat in summer. They also need a lot of light, which is why they love to be by the window, and they will not be affected by direct light as can be the case with other indoor plants. Finally, if you want them to look lustrous, you can fertilize them with a specific fertilizer for these types of plants during the spring months.


Ivy is one of the most widely used climbing plants for centuries. This climbing plant has a purifying, relaxing and aesthetic effect. It is ambivalent, it can be used to decorate country and city houses. Accentuate a romantic, fresh, natural and rustic style. Ivy was widely used by the Celts to cover their houses, as they attributed a magical power to it.

Ivy in houses removes moisture from the wall. These plants absorb moisture from the area to which they are attached and return it to the environment, so they not only prevent moisture accumulation on walls and ceilings, but also do so by cooling the rooms they cover.

Contrary to popular belief, it does not form mold. Ivy coatings reduce temperature losses. For a house to be 100% efficient, it must avoid temperature leaks inside and be insulated from the outside, a function that ivy fulfills perfectly.

In winter it reduces the loss of temperature by acting as a screen against direct wind. It also protects materials by reducing the impact of frost and hail.

Thermal insulation increases by creating an air chamber if the plant is climbed on racks, leaving a few centimeters between it and the wall.

You will have also a phytotherapeutic kit at hand, since this climber acts as an expectorant, antispasmodic, vasoconstrictor, healing, antibiotic and analgesic. The poultices of its leaves are highly valued.

You can cut stems to decorate the interior of the house, making centers and crowns, or plant them in hanging pots.


The Dracena is known for its ability to absorb carbon dioxide, emit oxygen, increasing our capacity for concentration and productivity. In addition, the plant is able to control humidity in a closed environment, thus avoiding numerous diseases.

They also remove xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, and trichlorethylene from the air. Substances that cause asthma, dizziness, drowsiness, increased frequency, tremors, and skin irritations.

It is easy to care. They require moderate watering and warm temperatures. See if the soil is dry, then moisten it generously and wait until it dries again. It is a "terminator" plant, it resists drought very well. If you spray the leaves, do it with warm water, and if you see that it loses the lower leaves, do not worry: it is normal when they grow.


Some of the many benefits of English ivy were mentioned earlier. It stands out among the suggestive climbing plants for our home. You can also have it indoors. You can cut stems to decorate the interior of the house, making centers and crowns, or plant them in hanging pots.

These healing properties are attached to it:

-Anti-inflammatory properties.

-Protects our skin.

-Purifies our body.

-It has anticancer properties.

-Relieves nasal congestion.

-They provide antibacterial properties.

Its care is very simple, moderate watering and indirect light. If you expose it directly to the sun that is not more than 3 hours of solar exposure. It does not tolerate dry environments such as those caused by heating, rather it requires cool environments above 77F. It is advisable to have them in a clay pot that is wide in diameter and not very deep.


This generous plant purifies the environment where it is found and provides healing properties.

Helps combat menstrual discomfort. They have expectorant properties that relieve airway congestion and cough. They relax the arteries and help fight hypertension. They have a hypotensive effect, ideal for treating muscle aches and fighting tension. They work as a good diuretic that facilitates urinary transit. The slimy part of its petiole (which joins the leaf with the stem) helps to relieve burns. Its crushed leaves can be used as a natural insecticide. Helps reduce and prevent diarrhea.

The cares that are suggested for this plant are basically:

Place it in a humid place with indirect light. Direct sunlight can quickly dry them out. They need a large space to expand. Prune whole leaves when they dry. Try to transplant it every year. Make sure your soil is always moist, water it with a little water every day or at least every two days, but without drowning it. Spray your leaves with a little water, but not directly.


In addition to their ornamental value, they purify and improve the quality of the air we breathe.

We can enjoy its flowers all year long, as long as the care is the best. To be able to enjoy its flowers 365 days, we must pay frequently with potassium-rich fertilizers and take care that there is no lack of water for long periods.

Although we often find these plants forming part of outdoor gardens, they can be grown in pots. If we grow Gerberas in pots, it is very important not to expose them directly to the sun because the substrate can dry out very easily and can cause water stress to the plant.

It is essential to place them in places with good lighting to be able to promote flowering. It is recommended if we grow it indoors, place the pots near the window.


Among the favorite indoor plants are palm trees. These not only serve to fill our spaces with greenery, they also give height and elegance to the rooms. Of course, most palm trees need good light even indoors.

Palm trees are among the easiest plants to maintain indoors or out. If you live in a tropical area, just looking at it may be enough to keep it in shape. But if you live in a temperate zone, you will need to give it a little more affection.

As a general rule of thumb, be sure to plant your palm in a location that stays fairly sunny and warm throughout the year. Also be sure to choose a palm tree that suits the climate in which you live. Do not prune your palm trees, let the leaves of the same plant dry until they come out with a simple pull.

As with all indoor plants, the most important factor in terms of care is you. Remember that inside the house they do not receive as much sun, rain or humidity from the environment. So they mainly depend on you.

With indoor palm trees, excesses are bad. Watering should always be medium term, because without much watering the roots rot and if you water little they dry out. Also make sure not to place them in very cold areas, near the air conditioning, near the heater or in spaces with a lot of dry environments.


Lavender provides benefits internally and externally, which are tangible and verifiable over time, generating confidence in more and more users who decide to use this plant to calm different symptoms.

Lavender contains not only medicinal principles but also flavorings and cosmetics, the lavender plant has a pleasant smell that can spread throughout a home.

The most suitable irrigation for these plants is drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation should always be ruled out since the plant can develop fungi and diseases. The plant withstands abundant rains well as long as the soil drains well and the area does not get flooded.

Potted lavender will need regular watering once a week or every 10 days, especially in the warmer season. In the time of inactivity, you can space the waterings more.

To plant a lavender in a pot you must take into account the following points:

Use a large pot about 12 to 15 inches in diameter.

The pot should have good drainage holes.

Place coarse gravel at the base of the pot to help drain the water.

Clay or terracotta pots are the most recommended due to the porosity of the material that prevents water from stagnating.

You should use a soluble fertilizer reduced to 1/3 of the strength indicated by the manufacturer or a fertilizer in slow release granules.

Short plants are great for growing in pots, but watch out for the Stoechas and Rosemary varieties that contain fibrous and vigorous roots. These species require transplants once a year.

To plant lavender in the garden, find a location with direct sun conditions and enough space for the adult lavender to grow.


This plant has benefits for the health and well-being of the people around it, since it absorbs humidity from the environment to clean the air, which is associated with the ability to remedy headaches or drowsiness.

For this plant to develop in optimal conditions, it should not be exposed to direct sun because it will then burn. Ideally, place it in a place where it receives natural but not direct light, avoiding very dark places because then the leaves turn brown.

On the other hand, you should know that the ideal temperature is between 68º and 77º F. In very cold environments, the plant stops growing as the leaves fall. Ideally, it should be kept moist because it is a tropical plant.

It blooms only once or twice in its lifetime. However, when this happens, colorful flowers appear with an attractive scent. In case it blooms, it is recommended to cut the flower once it withers, as it takes a lot of vigor from the plant.


Orchids have the property of purifying the air due to the action of neutralizing some substances toxic to the environment and are also related to several benefits for the skin. According to Feng Shui bring luck and prosperity in the home. They add elegance to your space. If you have it in your office or work desk, they help you work more relaxed, as they reduce stress levels and increase creativity.

Choosing a space where it receives indirect sunlight is of vital importance for this plant.

Water the orchids with special water, low in minerals, since tap water can be very heavy on their roots. Water with a spray bottle and always keep it moist, but without excess. You can place some stones to help keep the water or uses a humidifier.

They should receive air, but not very strong drafts.

Fertilize the plant with the fertilizer indicated on the bag by the manufacturer.

They do not resist the cold, the ideal temperature should not be less than 42F.

If the orchid does not bloom, cut at least 1 cm from the stem before it turns yellow.

It is suggested to transplant it every 2 years and keep it away from insects.


Philodendron is one of the most famous indoor plants, as it is charming and easy to grow. The ignored drawback of this plant is that it contains calcium oxalate crystals, which are toxic to people and animals if parts of the plant are consumed. However, this plant is given numerous properties and offers a purifying effect in the environment where it is found, since it is a climbing and floating plant.

Soil: use a universal substrate.

Location: it should be in a very well lit place but where it does not receive direct sunlight. It does very well in slightly shaded areas or with artificial light.

Transplant: if it is necessary to do it, always wait for spring and do it only if the pot is already too small for you, since it is a plant that does not support transplants much.

Irrigation: it needs to be watered every 4 days during spring and summer, always using water without lime. When autumn arrives, reduce watering as the water lasts. It is good to spray the leaves every two days so that they maintain constant humidity.

Pruning: do a training pruning to control its growth.

Pests and diseases: If the humidity is very low, it will be easy to be attacked by the spider mite.

Multiplication: it must be done from cuttings in each of the prunings you do.


It is a purifying plant that can help us improve our environment and health: it will absorb volatile toxic particles, increase air humidity and generate oxygen.

Temperature: It comes from temperate climates. Therefore, the temperature should never drop below 50ºF. It will be able to withstand temperatures up to 95ºF as long as it does not receive direct sun. The temperature inside our house will be perfect.

Lighting: Always indirect light, since it is a semi-shade plant. The best location will be near a window or in bright rooms. It can withstand a couple of hours of direct sunlight, but be careful in summer, because it can burn the leaves (brown spots on the tips).

The amount of light is what causes certain varieties of Pothos to have more or less white and yellow spots on the leaves (variegated leaves). The more light, the more white spots. With less light, the leaves tend to be greener.

Irrigation: once every 10/14 days. In summer 1 time a week. Never more than 1 time a week. Overwatering is the biggest cause of premature deaths of innocent Pothos. It tolerates water very well, but a poorly drained substrate always ends up causing problems.

It is preferable that your plant goes a little thirsty, than that it lives in water. Excess water will remove oxygen pores from the substrate, making the roots unable to breathe and rotting. And with dead roots there is no going back.


This plant is considered among the easiest air-purifying plants to grow. It is effective in removing harmful chemicals from the air, such as carbon monoxide, xylene, formaldehyde and toluene. According to NASA reports, the spider plant is among the top 3 types of houseplants that are great at removing formaldehyde, which is a common household chemical and generally found in manufactured wood products, plastic products, pesticides, leather goods, adhesives, clothing and drapes, etc.

It is recommended that this plant does not receive direct sunlight, as it can cause the leaves to lose their varied color.

Water the tape plant once a week or when the soil begins to feel dry.

Fertilize tape plants during the growing season, in spring and summer.

Inspect the undersides of the leaves for mites or the grayish-brown discoloration that indicates fungus, as tape plants are susceptible to both. Treat the mites with a miticide, following the directions on the package. Dry the leaves after watering and make sure the plant is in a well-lit room to eliminate fungal problems.


It is very striking and highly decorative due to the different shapes it presents, including: columnar, pyramidal, in groups, such as a small tree with a single trunk, braided trunk, among others, as well as variations in their sizes, combinations. that become popular. at all times when decorating our home.

The benefits of this plant are not only given from a decorative point of view but also for our health, which is the most important objective. This type of plant provides moisture to the environment and oxygen, thanks to the process it develops through its chlorophyll function, also helping to stimulate our feelings towards the positive. It comprises an air purification process that contains, within its leaves, volatile particles that are elements found in the air in suspension.

The rubber plant is not in great need and basically grows out of negligence. It is adaptable to low light and shadow conditions until it receives bright indirect light. You need infrequent watering cycles and slightly moist soil, and little or no fertilization. When planted in potting soil with a lot of organic matter, it will not require supplemental feeding for a long time.


Among the benefits of having this plant are: purifying the indoor air of volatile organic compounds. This plant is capable of filtering pollutants such as benzene, xylene, ammonia, formaldehyde, and trichlorethylene. Cleans the environment of gases present in inks, paints and plastics.

This plant is very grateful and its care is not very complicated. For this plant outdoors, it must be taken into account that it is not a plant that requires a large amount of light, so it can also grow in the shade without suffering. If it is possible for the plant to receive a few hours of direct sunlight a day, it will be able to develop stronger and with greener leaves.

Irrigation: it must be taken into account that this plant stores water in its tissues, so it must be watered from time to time. It is a plant that fears excessive humidity, so the soil between waterings will have to dry out. In case the leaves turn yellow, watering should be reduced. With once a month in winter and autumn and every fortnight in spring will be enough.

Temperature: it is sensitive to temperatures below 57ºF. For this reason it resists summer well, but in winter it should be avoided that it is at a very low temperature.


It has great ability to remove indoor air pollutants and its high transpiration rate make it one of the most valuable indoor plants.

Avoid direct sunlight. As they are tropical plants, night temperatures below 55ºF should be avoided.

It has a high rate of perspiration and they like to have access to water. Keep constantly moist, but not waterlogged, to reduce the risk of wilting. Feed regularly throughout the growing season.

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